Sunday, January 12, 2014

improvising, learning how to learn...the global struggle...

      Though I won't agree with the authors conclusion this article does present a nice synopsis of the desire of a people to participate in the future of their nation.
      What a daunting task and yet an utter inspiration to want to change an outdated way of organising and governing a people. Sure such a path can only bring chaos (and maybe some hell) with so many competing forces at odds with one another, but is this not the price of real innovation? To me as long as people are learning through it all, it can't be a wasted process. We're potentially talking a completely new form of democracy here.
    The only thing that stands in the way of such innovation and change is a people not learning how to learn. You can't head-butt your way into change (the hell in Syria for example). Yes action is necessary but it's not change solely on your terms, it's about making space, allowing time for the growth and evolution of ideas from all sides, a listening and hearing without attachment to outcome. Getting that right balance is not easy, but maybe the Thais have the right mix of ingredients to pull this one off.

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