Tuesday, March 26, 2019

It's a Small World... March 2019

 I’ve not felt inspired enough here to keep this blog updated, mostly because I don’t consider myself a writer. I prefer the realm of dreams, play, spontaneity and action which is a challenging world to keep track of and document for me beyond instagram or facebook. Anyways, in deference to staying connected to those of you beyond my day to day improvisations of life I am going to try and work a bit at what to me seems to be a chore…these few words…  So, here goes trying to catch up on some past years….

   The democracy word is a tough place to start any conversation and even tougher to keep it rolling, to stay inspired. It’s such a broad and general term. How then to keep it personal and relevant to each of us and in the case of my preferred learning style…keeping it embodied, physical or active? And to then keep such personal needs in balance with the social there must be ways to keep it light and relevant enough to stay moving and engaged for all. 
   To begin somewhere though…what if democracy was to be some kind of playful, personal DIY project for each of us? Taking an improvisational, experimental outlook we could agree to try (this democracy) thing out as a personal curiosity, something to initially amuse us and potentially engage us, ongoing and evolving (possibly to no end). No matter how small, obscure or obtuse our initial actions, we take them. We play with democracy, somehow staying connected to the simple and obvious for each of us within the larger, more complex backdrop. 
    We simply begin by creating a small circle of space within which to feel inspired enough to explore our own story, develop the language or process that somehow represent the dreams we carry about within ourselves. By slowly expanding this circle of meaning making, we develop a voice, we begin to be seen and heard by others also pursuing a similar path or process.

    Ok, so well enough for now. I’ll try to continue modeling what I’m talking about and feel inspired about myself. I’ve jotted down enough words for now. A circle of space is open…

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