Saturday, October 10, 2009

new delhi, india

improvisation is the essence of life in india, people live it each moment to survive; you cannot walk the streets without having to improvise, negotiate your way among other pedestrians, among the bicyclists, rickshaw drivers, roaming animals, buses, cars... you're in constant communication and contact with life at almost every moment in this ever-unfolding, co-creative dialogue and story of civilization evolving...
...this is why i come, some part of me craves this full on experience of public life that's been so systematically removed from the western experience (and which more and more so here, especially as tourist, you can also remove yourself from)
i don't want to seem too idealistic, it is hard sustaining oneself here in this chaos, yet in the end how else can it really be? who we are is chaos, the state of ever changing possibility, why resist it?
i think of india using such words as 'essence' and 'life'... there is some sort of living at the edge here, of life up front, with knowing, having to stay awake, having to communicate, negotiate one's way yet balanced with a sense of lila (play) or flow so that it all never quite, crashes or self destructs...yes, in india you learn to dance....
anyhow, i'm in india once again, touching back in again to this ancient way of being who we will always be as humans...

1 comment:

Raffi Aftandelian said...


but can improvisation be improvised??? or is that just a head trip???

wormly and squirmly,